Monday 4 June 2012

Allmyapps: Downloads, Updates And Synchronizes Programs!

Keeping track of available updates or patches for all installed software in a system is not an easy job. Even most programs have automatic checking of updates, downloading each is cumbersome. A good option to get everything done at one time is achievable via my previously posted FileREX Update Checker or Ninite.

Allmyapps is a cloud application that offers a larger database collection of software including both paid and free, from most popular applications to their editors' pick.

Apart from the convenient way to choose a program, it includes update checker that scans for all installed third-party applications, and updates will be done altogether. Besides, another big feature is the ability to synchronize all applications across every connected devices, which has Allmyapps installed.

Although it uses quite much memory (which you can disable from startup), this application serves the purposes of getting, updating and synchronizing software well. In short, it will be definitely useful for those of you who have multiple computers to be taken care of.




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