Monday 9 April 2012

Internet Speed Mbps Vs KBps?!

How do you choose an Internet package or service provider? Of course, speed is the the main factor of all. I have been wandering around forums, Facebook pages and other IT websites, it seems many have confusion of the difference between Internet speed Mbps and KBps. Most of the question I came across shaped like this, "Why does speed test show 5Mbps. but my actual download speed is only around 500Kbps?"

Before anything else, note than uppercase "B" for byte, is way different from lowercase "b" for bit.

1 Byte = 8 bits

In fact, all speed test show the speed you bought in bits, but actual download speed is calculated in bytes.

Say, you subscribe for 1 Mbps package.

1 Mbps / 8
= 1000000 / 8
=125000 Bps
=125 KBps

Are you getting the right speed as advertised?




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