Wednesday 7 March 2012

TinyWall: A Better Controller For Windows Firewall!

When comes to firewall, many experienced users detest Windows built-in one and opt to third party firewall like Comodo. Pre-configured Windows firewall rules are too loose to be secure and it can be a pain to configure, but in fact it was proven to be very effective once has been well-set.

TinyWall is another program aimed to  further enhance and control Windows firewall in the field of security and user interface, which is similar to Windows Firewall Notifier. Besides rules set to default-deny, TinyWall features a non-intrusive operation, supports services, process and window whitelisting, and password protection.

Once installed, it detects installed application for whitelisting. Without whitelisting browser, you cannot connect to the Internet.

Extra options including password protection

Rules exception for applications

Though it should be a good program, I am unfortunately enough to have no luck have it work correctly. I could not connect to Internet even after whitelisting browser and allows all connection, there's no any notification or prompt, plus password protection not working. Adding, I doubt the word of "lightweight" as it uses 19MB of memory in a separate process.

Try it and let me know if it works on your system!




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